Our Vision, Our Mission

Team Member Bios & Pics

Jeff Elbert

I am pleased to introduce myself as a supporter and participant in Project Hope Worldwide's Race ToUganda. My name is Jeff Elbert.  I am a 1987 graduate of Broken Arrow High School, 1993 Graduate of Northeastern State University, and Oklahoma native.  My wife Amelia and I often run with Paul who first introduced us to the organization, mission, cause, and fundraiser.  My busy life and demanding career create a time deficit, making it difficult to join such causes.  Making it difficult to do good for those less fortunate.  But what a great opportunity to contribute since running is such a big part of what I do.  
My basic belief in life is that if you always try to do what you think is right and try your best that things will work out.  I can't imagine living in a place where a similar belief might not be enough.  It might not even get me through the day.  Participating in this cause provides clarity in my own life.  It makes me realize that most of my life challenges are self inflicted.  Most of my challenges are not a matter of life or death.  Children in Uganda are concerned about their survival, while I worry about finances, career, and deadlines.  I plan for retirement while they try to make it through another day.           
The Race To Uganda is for a great cause.  The concept it supports offers more than assistance to those who benefit, it offers a sustainable home and community.  It focuses on the necessities of life and provides the life tools for growth.  It provides stability amongst turmoil.  That is what impresses me most. Combined with the great people behind this cause, that is what inspires us to contribute.  We look forward to doing or part, contributing what we can, and logging our running miles for the Race To Uganda

Cassy Kerr Russell

{This was a Facebook post from Cassy on her 5th running anniversary.}
Five years ago today I ran my first 5K. My brother Glenn, who ran an impressive 19:11, had to come out with half a mile to go and help me run in. I thought my lungs were going to explode, but I finished. 

At the awards ceremony, I was talking with a runner who had just moved to Tulsa. She was so sweet! When the announcer asked the 2nd place winner of her age group to come up for the award, she stood up to go get it, and I was in such awe that I was talking with someone who had just won a race award! Elaine Palmquist, you are just as sweet now as you were then, and I'm still impressed with your skills, girl!

Thanks to Kathy Hoover and Runners World Tulsa, since that day, I've ran 25-ish marathons (a couple happening back to back) in 17 different states (with States 18 and 19 happening in three weeks), several half-marathons, multiple 5Ks, a few 25Ks and 50Ks, and a 50-miler. I'm a four-star Marathon Maniac, #1409. And I ♥ running trails more than roads!! (There, I've said it out loud.)

It's been a fantastic journey, and I can't wait to see where the next five years of running will take me.


Hi Friends,
My name is Amy Yowell, and I am one of the RtU team members. My husband and I live in Owasso, and we have three boys, ages 5, 4, and 20 months. My family has been helping support Paska for over two years, and we have grown to love her and the rest of the orphans at Calo Me Lare. It is incredible to see each of their "before and afters"! The work that Project Hope Worldwide does is inspiring to say the least. In fact, they are the reason I started running. Just over a year ago, I decided to do the Orphan Run in honor of Paska, and I actually just intended to walk it. The thought of running three miles just sounded boring to me. I have always loved sports, both playing and watching, but I never enjoyed running. After some encouragement...well, nagging really...from my good friend, I decided to give running a shot. After a few weeks, I really started enjoying it! I got to chat with my running buddy, have time to myself, and it made me feel strong. After running the Orphan Run, I continued to run for myself, all the while praying for Paska and her friends, and asking God to show me other ways to help them. A few months later, I found out about Run to Uganda through Facebook. After talking to my husband and praying, I knew it was exactly what I was supposed to do, and I was all in! I recently ran my first half marathon for RtU, which I NEVER thought I could do! When you are doing something for a greater purpose, you can really surprise yourself. I am looking forward to seeing that school built, and I have every confidence that we will accomplish our goal! I am so thankful to be a part of this project.
I encourage you to read some of the bios of the orphans of Calo Me Lare. These children are amazing. Before, they knew only poverty and despair, but now they have hope, a future, an education, and most importantly, LOVE.

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