Our Vision, Our Mission

Saturday, December 15, 2012

All I WANT For Christmas!


I don't know if it is proper to use a preface for a blog, but hopefully you will understand my intended application once you read it. 

The idea for this blog originally came to me Tuesday during my Business Ethics class (Sorry Mr. Nelms).  I quickly wrote the main points with the intention of finishing Saturday morning.  This morning when I got up to write, the tragedy that occurred in Connecticut was really sinking in.  I had a house full of 5 children, and the realization that there are no promises in life brought me to tears.  Suddenly the accusatory tone of this blog didn't feel right.  Don't all parents want to do everything they can to make their children as happy as possible.  

I told my 11 year old daughter, Marlee, I was not going to post the blog, but asked her to read it anyway.  After reading it she told me I should post it.  So after some deliberation, I have decided to post.    

My motive is never to be inconsiderate, but only to make us question the "Status Quo".  What if the greatest gift we give our children is an understanding of truly caring about other people.  What it means to make sacrifices so that other's needs are met.

All I WANT for Christmas!

If your family is like mine, you start preparing your Christmas list shortly after you take down your Halloween decorations. After all, it takes a lot of planning to spend the $854 that the average American plans to spend on Christmas this year(1). Next we have to decide how to dispose of the extra 2,000,000,000 pounds of trash we created over the holidays(2).  WHAT?????

What do we really need to have a "Merry Christmas"?  Is it the "stuff" that brings you joy.

Go look in your kid's closet.  I know if it is like ours, we struggle to find a place for all of the toys.  Look in your own closet.  Are you constantly running out of hangers for all of your clothes?  What about your desk?  Is it difficult to find a place to plug in all of your electronic toys?  Now imagine an orphan's closet.  If they even have a closet, do you think they look in it after Christmas and try to determine where all of their new stuff will go.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE the holiday season.  I just think we could feel the same amount of joy, by using all of these resources to make a much larger impact on our world.  So I ask you: "What value does the exchanging of gifts bring you?"

I challenge you to do 3 things this holiday season:

1)  Spend quality time with the people you love.  Find ways to show them how much you care without spending $854 on gifts.

2)  Look for ways to reduce a portion of the extra 2,000,000,000 pounds of trash.

3)  Consider what kind of impact you could make by taking just a portion of that $854, and donating it to someone who truly needs it.




(2) http://americanresearchgroup.com/holiday/

Sunday, December 2, 2012

100 Push-Ups


Our one year adventure has begun, and the realization of our task is setting in.  We have a tremendous team, who  I am confident will complete the 8,225 miles to Uganda and raise the $50,000 needed to build the school.  However, after driving Route 66 recently on a trip back from OKC, I began to question my ability to run 125 miles in 3 days (3 ultras in 3 days).  

My original plan was to complete the Route 66 marathon, and then begin rebuilding a strong foundation balancing my running miles with regular yoga, swimming, and gym workouts.  However the truth is between family, work, school, running, and volunteer work, the extra workouts are not always realistic. I have spent the last couple of weeks looking at different options and schedules and have yet to begin any new workouts.  My running has even suffered.  As I was trying to determine what my routine would look like over the next couple of months, I heard my least favorite quote from my former boss, "Becker, you have analysis paralysis".  It reminded me, Sometimes you just have to start with something.

So, remembering one of the themes of this year's journey (minimalism), I determined I would begin my extra workouts with push ups.  One of the reasons I was drawn to running was its simplicity.  All I need is a pair of shoes, shorts, and some open space, and I am good.  There is no extra time or financial requirement of going to the gym.  The same applies to push ups.  They are an efficient work out, and when done properly they work the entire body. My goal is to work up to 100 push-ups per day.

Every journey starts with one step, "The First Step". This year is not only about transforming the lives of orphans, but also transforming all of our lives.  My goal is to transform my own life, and one goal is to take action.  To take that "First Step".  A goal of 100 push ups per day may sound like a small goal, but it is a "first step".  What "first step" are you going to be willing to take?



Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Route 66 Race Report

Attitude Adjustment:
This race was a psychological nightmare for me. Not the actual race itself but the month and a half leading up it. A few months ago Jono and I decided to run the Route 66 marathon and use the event as the official kick off of our fundraiser. At the time I was really excited to run it but I soon remembered how much I don't love running long distances on pavement.
For my entire life I abhorred running but I have recently realized this was because running on pavement would quickly bore me. After about six months of Jono's persistent nagging I finally went for a run with him on Turkey Mountain and realized that I actually love running...as long as I can mainly do it on trails in the woods. I have always been drawn to this type of environment. I found that running among nature keeps my mind excited and occupied and refreshes my soul. Every time I train on pavement the miles just seem to drag on forever even though I am usually running a faster pace. I want to run because I enjoy it, but it is hard to enjoy a run when all my mind will think about is how much farther until I can be done.
These types of thoughts quickly started creeping into my psyche after we registered. It wasn't long until I went from the elation of knowing I get to run another race to dreadfully wishing I hadn't paid $100 to bore myself to death. This was compounded by the fact that every time I would train on pavement it seemed as though any progress I had achieved in healing my Achilles was set back. I had become convinced that running 26.2 miles on the streets of Tulsa would mean at least a month or two of limping around, cussing at myself, and wondering if and when I would ever be able to get back on the trails. Something had to change. Either I was going to have give up and not run or I was going to have to drastically change my attitude about what was going to happen on November 18th, 2012.
With a week to go before the race I decided that the attitude adjustment option was my ONLY option. Besides, the prior weekend I had run 31 miles on the tough trails of Turkey Mountain and still had a lot of gas left in the tank when I finished. I could do this! I would do this! And I would have two intact Achilles tendons when I finished! It was time for change.
For the next week the first thing I did every morning was spend time meditating on positive and healing thoughts. I was constantly striving to put myself back in the positive attitude I had before my last 50k race. “You’ve got this. Easy Money. The Achilles is strong.” By Friday before the race I was finally feeling ready to run. I had already proven to myself that I was physically ready. It was the mental readiness that was actually harder this time but I was getting that under control. Saturday I continued to build my enthusiasm and with that came the confidence I needed. Jono told me that he could tell a big difference in my voice about the whole thing. By Sunday morning I was jazzed up and ready to go. My favorite author, Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” Sunday was going to be the best day of the year. I told myself it was going to be just another Sunday morning stroll. Basically, that is what it turned out to be. Jono, Jeff, Amelia and I set out to run, and enjoy, an easy 4 hour and 45 minute marathon pace. I crossed the finish line in 4:45:12 and, most importantly, didn't have to go see my orthopedic foot doctor guy the next day!
Lesson Learned: The mental training for a run can be just as important as the physical training. Sure, I was bored (and in pain) for a few moments during the race. But that was expected and I was mentally ready to tackle those issues head on. There is no doubt that if I had not “trained my brain”  I would have either ended up not starting at all, walking much of the last 8 miles, dropping out altogether, or seriously injuring my Achilles while running with such a negative vibe around me. The power of the mind is incredible. Don’t let YOU, and your negative thoughts be the reason why you don’t do something you have wanted to do but may be afraid of. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”
Thanks for reading,
P.S. I also need to mention that being able to run with 3 great people helped pull me through to the finish. Thanks Jono, Jeff and Amelia. You guys rock! I had a blast! 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Route 66 Marathon


Today we kicked off our Run to Uganda with the Route 66 Marathon.  Originally we were going to use this a training race for our for our run from Tulsa to OKC along Route 66.  Once we decided we were going to recruit a team to log the miles from Tulsa to Uganda (8,225 miles), the marathon seemed like a perfect place to kick off the event. With 6 of us running today, we knocked out a cool 132.2.  If any of your are doing the math, all 4 marathoners ran the extra .3 mile detour to the center of the universe.  Only 8,092.8 miles to go.

We also decided this would be a great place to start promoting the run and the blog.  So at 6:45 this morning decked out in our Run to Uganda t-shirts and 100 business cards, me, my mom, and sister set out to talk with as many people as we could.  I was interested to see how one of our major fundraising efforts would be accepted.  It was encouraging to talk with people who seemed truly interested.  We spoke with several who were aware of Project Hope Worldwide and the efforts already taking place at our orphanage in Uganda.  There were even a few who had run in our inaugural 5K "Orphan Run".  There were also a lot of  supporters along the course who commented on our shirts.  Even the clever comments like "You still have a long way to Uganda" were encouraging.  What was important is "Run to Uganda" was getting noticed!

I'm sure Paul will post a full race report, so I won't say a lot about the race itself.  This was my first marathon back in 2010, so it holds a special place in my heart.  It is an awesome course around some of the coolest landmarks in Tulsa.  Each landmark brings back great memories of growing up in this great city.

In 2011, Jessica Hargis an executive at the Tulsa Area United Way set out to make the race "Green".  Once I realized the amount of trash created at an event like this, I knew I should be doing something different.  My goal today was to not add to the problem.  I am happy to say the only things I threw away today were the couple of cups a beer I had.  It is great Tulsa is doing something to make a difference.

Thanks for all the support, and WE'RE OFF AND RUNNING!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Presented by Lawn America.


We are very excited to announce Lawn America as our presenting Sponsor.  Brad Johnson, the owner of Lawn America has a passion for helping others and has a special interest in education.  Since Brad was once a science teacher and currently volunteers as a teacher in Tulsa schools, helping us build a school for the orphans is a perfect fit.

Brad hiked the Appalachian trail in 2010 and raised $106,000 for 6 local agencies.  Since the two fundraisers are so similar, his experience and insight was very beneficial to us during our early strategic brainstorming.  His book A Compassionate Journey,which tracks his journey, also continues to offer insight.

Lawn America will be donating 50 cents per mile up to the 8,225 miles (Distance for Tulsa to Uganda) our team will be running over the next year. WOW!  Thank You Lawn America!  Remember it is going to take $50,000 to build the school for Calo Me Lare.  We are 10% of the way there, but still have a long way to go.  We need your help.

Like us on Facebook.



Monday, November 5, 2012


Race Report for Turkey and Taturs 50K

What a beautiful day it was to run on Turkey Mountain. Let me start by saying that if you have never been out there you are really missing out. These are the trails that got me hooked on running about a year and a half ago so it only seemed logical to do what I did yesterday.

About a week before the race I signed up to run the 25k (15.53 miles). I have been wanting to run another 50k for months but since I was/am still trying to nurse my Achilles tendinitis back to health I hadn't been able to put together many long training runs. Over the past month and a half I had run a tough half marathon on Turkey mountain, another tough 25k the following week at Flat Rock, and had 16 mile and 13 mile training runs on the roads. It just didn't seem like the numbers quite added up yet to make the jump to a 31 mile race. I am a numbers guy, and even though I had been wavering back and forth on signing up for the 50k  I just settled on the 25k.

Buried not so deep in my subconscious was the knowledge that I was strong enough to run the 50k and with that confidence came, the very conscious notion that I would change my registration on the morning of the race and just run the 50k against the advice of a few people I know. I spent a good part of the day Saturday getting ready. I had all my clothes laid out early. I wrote up a timeline of the race and determined exactly what and when I would eat. I mentally prepared myself and then spent a few hours trying to contain my excitement. I was finally going to tackle another 50k after having to miss so many that I had planned on runnig.

Sunday morning I woke up at 4:45, got ready and headed to the event. It was pretty cold starting out but I knew after running for a few minutes my excitement and elevated heart rate would warm me up. I was right.
My 'official' plan was to take it easy the whole way and just finish without injuring myself. My real goal was to finish in under 7 hours. Since I wasn't planning on setting any records and wanted to take off slow I started towards the back of the pack. After everyone got spread out a little I settled in behind a girl who was running a pretty good pace for me and followed her to the first aid station about 2.6 miles from the start. I filled up my water bottle and headed out to the dreaded Power Line trail.

We got to head north the first trip on Power Line which is the easier, more downhill direction. I quickly caught up with a group of 3 guys, 2 of which (Richard and Kevin) I would run with for the next 18 and 21 miles respectively. Once off power line I settled in behind Richard, an Oklahoma City Resident, because I knew he was a very experienced ultra runner. At 59 years old he is not as fast as he used to be but he runs smart and I really enjoyed getting to know him and hearing all his stories. Kevin is from Denver and ran with us but didn't chat much until I finally got him talking around mile 19. The girl I followed to the first aid station also followed us until she started playing wipeout. Within about two miles she had tripped three times, each time going down hard and flat. She wasn't used to running trails and it showed. We didn't see her after that until the finish line. She did great, finishing 2nd woman with plenty of blood running down her knee to prove that Turkey Mountain is nothing like road running. I bet she is hooked now though.

The rest of the first lap was pretty uneventful. Most of the time I would look at my Garmin to see that our pace was faster than what I had planned on running but since my heart rate was low and I still felt fresh, I just  stayed with my group. Having people to talk to makes it much easier than going it alone.

At mile 15.5 we made it back to the start/finish line, restocked our food and quickly headed back out to run the same lap in the opposite direction. After about a mile I looked back and found out we were now a group of five. Wes had joined us again (he was with us off and on for for the first 18 miles), and we now had a new guy whose name I don't know so I'll call him "Yellow Shirt Guy" or YSG for short. YSG ran with us for about a mile and then decided to pass. This was the first and only person to pass me all day and it made me mad. I kept telling myself, "this isn't a race, this isn't a race, this is just a long fun run, this isn't a race". Anyone who knows what it's like to run a long race knows that no matter how much you don't plan on racing, when it comes down to it the competitive juices start flowing and it's hard not to want to beat the person you can see 100 yards ahead of you. "OF COURSE THIS IS A RACE!" I had plans for Mr. YSG.

When we made it to the first aid station of the 2nd lap I knew the next mile and a half was a section that was mostly flat or downhill. I was still feeling good and knew this was a place I could kick up the pace. However, I've never had a race or long run over 15 miles in which I didn't at some point start hurting, aching or at least feeling tired. There is a quote I have saved to my computer that says, "If you start to feel good during an ultra marathon, don't worry, you'll get over it." Every time this would enter my mind it kept me in check. But since I was still feeling fresh and I had confidence that my fueling plan was working I decided to take a chance and speed it up. Fortunately it didn't cause me to Bonk, but unfortunately I ran off from Richard. At mile 20 Kevin mentioned the distance and I was shocked. I honestly felt like I was just warming up. Kevin stayed with me for another 3.5 miles but was having a sharp pain in his foot and had to back it off a little.

So now I was on my own. I was a little nervous because when I run by myself I tend to run at a pace that is faster than I ever plan on running. I did run faster than planned but only because I still wasn't getting tired and I knew if things changed I could just slow down and still finish in under 7 hours. At the last aid station before the return trip on Power Line I asked if there was anyone anywhere ahead of me. The girl said, "a guy is about 10 minutes ahead". It was about 2 miles to Power Line and I was determined to catch him before that. I did. He was at a water stop when I sprinted up. He could tell I was running fast and feeling good and waited until I filled up my bottle to let me go ahead. One more down.

As sadistic as it sounds I was looking forward to the southbound trip on Power Line. It was 3/4 to 1 mile of super steep hills with a little bit of less steepness in between. When I got on the trail I was elated to be able to see three runners ahead of me. One was about 150 yards away, one was about 400-500 yards away and the other was almost to the top of the farthest hill I could see. OF COURSE THIS IS A RACE! Game on! I quickly caught the fist guy and out-walked him on the first hill. The second guy was leaving the aid station at the top of Power Line as came into it. The aid station workers looked at me and said that I looked way better than anyone else who had been through. They told me that I could easily catch the guy who just left and the next guy was about 2 minutes ahead of him.

This last section of the race was about 2.6 miles. I knew it was too late to bonk and it was now time to give it all I had. It took about a minute to pass guy number 2 who heard me coming and just stepped aside. Now I was fishing. The trees were so thick so I couldn't see very far ahead but I knew I had to be reeling the last guy in. With about 1.5 miles to go I saw someone. Behold, it was Yellow Shirt Guy! That's all it took. I passed him at a pace that I have probably never managed at Turkey Mountain and didn't slow down until I crossed the finish line.

This was the third race in a row that I ran negative splits. The first 25k lap was 3:15 and the second was 3:02. Finish time was 6:17, 11th overall and 43 minutes under my goal! I didn't come close to winning The race, but I definitely won My race. I'm not sure how much farther I could have run but I do know that I still had some miles in me. This totally perplexed me and the only thing I can think is that changing my diet up over the last year had a lot to do with how strong I felt. More on the diet thing later. Maybe next year I will shoot for a sub 6:00. Barring any injuries I should be ready for my first 50 miler in March.


Sunday, November 4, 2012



So I have become very intrigued by the idea of minimalism over the last year or so.  While the extremity of the possibilities to minimize are probably the reason for my initial draw, the practicality of doing this in real life with a family of 5 seems a little unrealistic.  A little over a year ago, after only recently learning about the idea, I presented it to my wife.  After some deliberation we ended up in the garage where she pointed to my work bench and my toys, and said we will start here.  A little secret I learned about getting rid of tools is it gives you an out on honey do's.  

My only real attempt at minimization has been in my closet where I have tried to cut my clothes collection in half twice over the last year, and I have come pretty close.  I also got rid of my prized hat collection.  Over the next year, I would really like to learn more about practical ways to minimize.  I am asking any of you with experience to please share, and I will be periodically posting what I have learned.

We have a team currently on their way to Calo Me Lare in Ugnada.  They will be meeting the 16 new orphans, which brings the total to 64.  The dream is becoming reality.  These kids really need a school house.

Good Job today at Turkey and Taturs Paul (50K), Jeff, and Amelia (25K)!

Like us on Facebook.



Monday, October 29, 2012

A Little about Paul

Paul & Casey with Paul's Bro-in-law, sister, mom and niece.
My name is Paul Rejda. Having been born in Texas I consider myself a Texan but since I have lived in Oklahoma for almost half my life I would have to say that I’m also part Sooner. Soon after graduating from Owasso High School I realized that I have a passion for helping people who are less fortunate. I have spent many hours contemplating why I was so fortunate to be born where I was, while billions of people around the world are born into extreme poverty with no hope of change. This is why after graduating college I volunteered to work for the U.S. Peace Corp as a Business Education and Community Development Specialist in the Republic of Armenia where I was able to experience firsthand what it’s like to live in the Third World.
In 2008 my wife Casey and I were married. Casey is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and I have a small house painting and remodeling business. Life has been good to us, but for a few years we have felt like we need to be doing more to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. We have always given faithfully to many different charities but have felt the need to be involved on a deeper level. When Jono started talking about how his dad and brother had helped found an orphanage in Uganda I soon realized that Project Hope Worldwide was an organization we could be enthusiastic about.
Every day I pray that I will have an ever increasing compassion for these kids we are helping support. If you and I don't do it, who will? There are numerous charities everywhere you look but my hope is when you look at Project Hope Worldwide, the non-profit Run To Uganda is raising funds for, you will be as touched by the tremendous need in Uganda as my wife and I have been. And when you give your time and money to these beautiful children I promise you will feel as blessed as we do.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Gotta Eat!


I got a great reminder today about the importance of eating and running.  I felt pretty strong today going into my final long run before Route 66, but after getting my butt kicked pretty bad on a 16 miler a few weeks ago ( which I directly contribute to running out of good calories the last few miles),  I remembered I need to eat better. I ate a lot of potatoes, rice, pizza, granola, and bagels the last couple of days. A baggy of rice, a banana, and a few packs of energy beans were about perfect during the run. The only improvement I could have made would have been a QT apple fritter.  They are my favorite food when I run, and make me run much faster!  It was the easiest 20 miles I have ever done.  We Finished with a couple of fast miles, and still had enough energy to come home and skate with Kade Rocket. 

Maybe the Olympic team doesn't train with apple fritters, but why make it complicated.  Just find what works for you, and remember to eat.

Stay tuned for advice on the "Apple Fritter" and it's many attributes.

We need some help passing out flyers and cards at Route 66.  Will you help us? 
Message us on FB Run To Uganda.
or runtouganda.gmail.com



Monday, October 22, 2012

Route 66 Marathon


We are in the final month of preparation for the official Kick-off for the "Run to Uganda", at the Route 66 marathon, on November 18.  It is awesome to feel the momentum building.  Paul and I spend a majority of our long training runs brainstorming ideas to reach the goal of $50,000.  The thing we continue to come back to is the importance of a strong network of friends helping us promote the cause.  If you are interested in coming out to hand out cards and support the Run to Uganda, please contact us via email or Facebook message.




Saturday, October 13, 2012


Most of you know me, but for those who don’t: 
Hi my name is Jono Becker.  My wife Christy and I have three children Marlee July 11, Mia Sunshine 6, and Kade Rocket 2. I work for QuikTrip, attend Oklahoma Wesleyan University, and my passions are people,  running with all the new adventures life brings, and making this world a better place.
          In 2008, my father Lynn Becker, my brother Justin Becker and several others including Derk Madden and Kelley Compton made an evangelism trip to Uganda.   They saw the devastation that AIDS and the LRA had left on the people of Uganda especially the children.  After hearing these stories and seeing the pictures, one thought continued to haunt me.  What if Marlee, at that time 7, and Mia 2 where left on the streets to take care of themselves?  Who would have enough compassion to care for them?   Lynn, Justin, Dirk, and Kelley had already started the process to make a difference for these Ugandan children by creating Project Hope Worldwide and an orphanage Calo Me Lare.  Our family decided to get involved and sponsor a young 5 year old girl named Mercy.  
          As my passion to help these children in Uganda has grown, it has evolved into the need to make a positive impact on the world.  So over the next year not only will we be raising money to build a school for the children of Calo Me Lare, but we will be exploring ways to make a difference in ourselves and our world. 
          The Run to Uganda blog will be tracking the progress of the orphans and our fundraising efforts, but also will explore ways to:
(1)  Make a difference in people’s lives through generosity and caring
(2)  Make an impact on our own health through diet and exercise
(3)  Minimize our impact on the environment through recycling and minimalism
(4)  Enjoy life more through love and laughter
So if you are looking for a positive change in your life while making a positive change in your world, follow us on our journey to do same.

Friday, October 5, 2012

A Little About What We are Doing

"Run to Uganda" was the brainchild of Paul Rejda and Jono Becker. The main goal of the Run is to raise funds to build a school for Calo Me Lare, an orphanage built by Project Hope Worldwide (PHW), in Lira, Uganda. This blog was created to track the progress of our little adventure that we have been kicking around for the past year.

As philanthropic as building a school may sound, the original goal was just to run 125 miles along Route 66 from Tulsa to Oklahoma City "for the fun of it." But as discussions became more detailed, it became evident this would be a great way to raise money for PHW, which both of our families have supported for a couple of years.

From there, it took off at a dead sprint! Jono wanted to set a huge goal. When he mentioned wanting to raise some $50,000, Paul was a shocked but immediately jumped at the challenge. To accomplish our monetary objective, we have recruited a few people to help with some of the fundraising logistics. (Each of whom will be gratefully recognized by the time we officially kick off our fundraiser.) We are also recruiting a running team of all skill levels to help promote the fundraiser. 

To get the fundraiser started, we plan to use Tulsa's Route 66 Marathon as a training run and a good place to spread the word to other like-minded runners. From there, the plan is to log our weekly running miles and the miles of the recruited team runners. The goal is to reach 8,225 miles - the distance from Tulsa to Lira, Uganda before we run from Tulsa to Oklahoma City.

With God’s help and a wonderful team of volunteers, we will reach the $50,000 goal by the end of 2013 (assuming Earth still exists after Dec. 21, 2012 -:) ) and Calo Me Lare will be able to build another school to educate their growing number of parent-less children.

Please visit ProjectHopeWorldwide.org to see all the great things being done and consider how you can help the "Run To Uganda" meet our goal. Our page link is here. Please "like" our Facebook page and subscribe to keep up with what we are doing here.