Inspire: to exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence on
I have recently witnessed both of my parents, Lynn & Connie Becker, do things that could only be described as inspiring. This is not however an abnormal event, because they have have had an inspirational effect on me for the last 38 years.
My mother will arrive home from Uganda today. She has spent the last month traveling throughout Uganda gathering information for the school at Calo Me Lare. I am inspired by her courage and her passion to help the children. By leaving the comfort of her family and home, and traveling half way around the world, she is helping shape a better future for the children and the nation of Uganda. However her love and compassion she shows daily is the true inspiration. Mom you are making this world a better place. INSPIRING!
A couple of weeks ago, I watched my father give an impassioned speech to a group of "Run To Uganda" team members. During this speech he spoke of his first trip to Uganda. He described sitting in his hotel room with Dirk Madden, who is one of the founders and current Executive Director of Project Hope Worldwide, and deciding at that moment "we need to do something for the orphans of Uganda." From that trip and that decision, 64 orphans currently have a home to live in, food to eat, house mothers to love and nurture them, and teachers to educate them. Once again the inspiration comes not just from founding the orphanage, but from a daily commitment to love and care about others. Dad you are making this world a better place. INSPIRING!
The children of Calo Me Lare have not been as fortunate as most of us. They are true orphans (No Mother or Father). The normal inspirational influences in their life have died, often tragically and/or violently, as a result of civil war or AIDS. In most cases this would arouse feelings of anger, fear, and hopelessness. It is our goal to provide love and compassion, and hopefully inspire the children to make a positive difference in the nation of Uganda.
However; I do not believe you have to travel worldwide to be inspiring. We have opportunities everyday. In the spirit of keeping it simple I have narrowed it down to 2 important keys.
1. Love and Care About People: People are very perceptive and are typically able to see true motivations. Philanthropic acts with selfish motivations are quickly recognized and usually result in distrust. Actions made out of love and compassion are viewed as a sincere investment, and result in a greater amount of influence.
“The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.”
― Kalu Ndukwe Kalu
If you truly love others it will force you to the second key.
2. Take Action: This does not necessarily mean to quit your job, sell all your belongings, and move across the world to a remote village. Unless that is what you are called to do. Taking action could be as simple as helping a neighbor with the groceries, reading a book to your child, volunteering at a local food bank. These simple acts of kindness may inspire others to do the same, thus the trickle down effect. I may sound naive, but I believe this is how we change our world.
What will you do to INSPIRE someone today?
P.S. Thank you Mom and Dad, for 38 years of inspiration.
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