Our Vision, Our Mission

Monday, October 29, 2012

A Little about Paul

Paul & Casey with Paul's Bro-in-law, sister, mom and niece.
My name is Paul Rejda. Having been born in Texas I consider myself a Texan but since I have lived in Oklahoma for almost half my life I would have to say that I’m also part Sooner. Soon after graduating from Owasso High School I realized that I have a passion for helping people who are less fortunate. I have spent many hours contemplating why I was so fortunate to be born where I was, while billions of people around the world are born into extreme poverty with no hope of change. This is why after graduating college I volunteered to work for the U.S. Peace Corp as a Business Education and Community Development Specialist in the Republic of Armenia where I was able to experience firsthand what it’s like to live in the Third World.
In 2008 my wife Casey and I were married. Casey is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and I have a small house painting and remodeling business. Life has been good to us, but for a few years we have felt like we need to be doing more to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. We have always given faithfully to many different charities but have felt the need to be involved on a deeper level. When Jono started talking about how his dad and brother had helped found an orphanage in Uganda I soon realized that Project Hope Worldwide was an organization we could be enthusiastic about.
Every day I pray that I will have an ever increasing compassion for these kids we are helping support. If you and I don't do it, who will? There are numerous charities everywhere you look but my hope is when you look at Project Hope Worldwide, the non-profit Run To Uganda is raising funds for, you will be as touched by the tremendous need in Uganda as my wife and I have been. And when you give your time and money to these beautiful children I promise you will feel as blessed as we do.

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